For example, to set the relative gap to one percent:
set mip tolerance mipgap 0.01
(EpGap, 0.01).
CPXsetdblparam(env, CPX_PARAM_EPGAP, 0.01)
For example, to change the absolute gap:
mip tolerance absmipgap 3.0.
(EpAGap, 3.0).
CPXsetdblparam(env, CPX_PARAM_EPAGAP, 3.0)
Table 5.10 summarizes the default value and range of absolute and relative gap parameters.
To speed up the proof of optimality, you can set objective difference parameters, both relative and absolute. Setting these parameters helps when there are many integer solutions with similar objective values. For example, in the Interactive Optimizer, this command set mip tolerances objdifference 100.0
makes ILOG CPLEX skip any potential solution with its objective value within 100.0 units of the best integer solution so far. Naturally, since this objective difference setting may make ILOG CPLEX skip an interval where the true integer optimum may be found, the objective difference setting weakens the guarantee of optimality. Table 5.11 summarizes the default value and range of relative and absolute objective difference parameters.
set mip tolerances uppercutoff 5000
in a minimization problem, and this one set mip tolerance lowercutoff 200
in a maximization problem.
or IloCplex::CutLo
and appropriate values.
Table 5.12 summarizes the default value and range of the lower and upper cutoff parameters.