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Heredia, F. J., "PLANNC: a projected Lagrangian based implementation for constrained nonlinear network flow problems", 20h IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Trier, Germany., 23-27/07/2001. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., "Constrained nonlinear network flow problems through projected Lagrangian methods", Problems in Modern Applied Mathematics, New York, World Scientific Engineering Society, pp. 406-411, 2000  . Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., "Constrained nonlinear network flow problems through projected Lagrangian methods", 4th world conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers CSCC2000, Greece, Athens, 9-16/07/2000. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., "Computational study of NOXCB: an optimization code for the nonlinear network flow problem with linear side constraints", 19th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Cambridge, U.K., 12-16/07/99. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., "Nonlinear network flow problems with side constraints through projected Lagrangian methods", EURO XV / INFORMS XXXIV Joint International Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 14-17/06/97. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Planificación Hidrotérmica a Corto Plazo. Optimización de un modelo acoplado de flujos no lineales en red", XVIII Congreso Nacional de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, València, Spain, 11-14/03/1997. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Optimum Short-Term Hydrothermal Schedulling with Spinning Reserve through Network Flows", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 10, issue 3: The Institue of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, pp. 10, 1995  . Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Optimum Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling with Spinning Reserve through Network Flows", IEEE/Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, EEUU, 02/1995. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Development and computational test of an undecoupled optimum short-term hydrothermal scheduling code using network flows", TOP, vol. 2, issue 1: Springer, pp. 28, 1994  . Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Nonlinear network flows with side constraints applied to short term hydrothermal coordination of electricity generation", European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering '92, Brussels, Belgium, 1992. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F.-Javier, Nabona, N., "Nonlinear Network Flows with Side Constraints Applied to Short Term Hydrothermal Coordination of Electricity Generation", European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering '92, Brussels, Belgium, Elsevier, pp. 437-444, 7/09/1992. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Numerical implementation and computational results of nonlinear network optimization with linear side constraints", System Modelling and Optimization: Springer Verlag, 1991  . Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Numerical implementation and computational results of nonlinear network optimization with linear side constraints", 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Zurich, Switzerland, 1991. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Large scale nonlinear network optimization with linear side constraints", 11th European Congress on Operations Research, Aachen, Germany, 1991. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F.-Javier, Nabona, N., "Numerical implementation and computational results of nonlinear network optimization with linear side constraints", 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, vol. 180, Zurich, Springer-Verlag, pp. 301-310, 02/09/1991. Tagged XML BibTex
Ignasi Mañé Bosch, Multistage stochastic bid model for a wind-thermal power producer, , Facultat de matemàtiques i Estadística, 18/10/2021. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Irune Etxarri Urtasun, Energy Management System para una microrred domestica con participación en los servicios auxiliares de red, , Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, 27/06/2014. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Jordi Castro, F.-Javier Heredia, José Antonio Gonzalez, Maria Albareda, Jesica González, Suport als grups de recerca SGR-Cat 2021, , 01/2023 - 12/202. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Jordi Castro, F.-Javier Heredia, José Antonio Gonzalez, Maria Albareda, Jesica González, Modelling and Optimization of StruCtured problems and Applications (MOSCA), , 09/2023-08/2026. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Jordi Castro, F.-Javier Heredia, José Antonio Gonzalez Alastrué, Josep Antón Sánchez Espigares, Eugenio Mijangos Fernández, Marlyn Dayana Cuadrado Guevara, Modelling and Optimization of Large-Scale Structured Problems and Applications (MOLSA), , 01/2019-12/2022. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
J. Minguella-Canela, A. Muguruza, D.R. Lumbierres, F.-Javier Heredia, R. Gimeno, P. Guo, M. Hamilton, K. Shastry, S. Webb, "Comparison of production strategies and degree of postponement when incorporating additive manufacturing to product supply chains", Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017, MESIC 2017, 28-30, Vigo, Spain, Elsevier, 28-30/07/2017. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Jordan Escandell Planells, Caracterització de Formulacions Fortes del Problema Unit Commitment., , Facultat de matemàtiques i Estadística., 19/07/2017. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
J. Minguella-Canela, A. Muguruza, D.R. Lumbierres: F.-Javier Heredia, R. Gimeno, P. Guo, M. Hamilton, K.Shastry, S.Webb, "Comparison of production strategies and degree of postponement when incorporating additive manufacturing to product supply chains", Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017, MESIC 201, vol. 13, Vigo, Spain, Elsevier, pp. 754-761, 18/06/2017. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Josep Homs Moreno, A MIP formulation of a Hybrid AC-DC offshore wind power plant topology., , Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, 23/10/2017. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Jordi Castro, F.-Javier Heredia, José Antonio Gonzalez, Maria Albareda, Albert Ferrer, Suport als Grups de Recerca (SGR 2017), , 06/2017-06/2022. Tagged XML BibTex