Cellular automata

Participació en les jornades de neu i allaus 2011

L’article introdueix un nou mètode per simular la dinàmica d’una allau de neu de placa. L’estructura del model està basada en una generalització d’autòmat cel·lular (AC) que permet utilitzar diferents capes (mn-CAk). Cada una d’aquestes capes representa la informació geogràfica necessària per caracteritzar l’evolució de l’allau.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 (All day) - Friday, May 27, 2011 (All day)

Towards a representation of environmenal models using specification and description language

In this paper we explore how we can use Specification and Description Language (SDL) to represent environmental models. Since the main concern in this kind of models is the representation of the geographical information data, we analyze how we can represent this information in the SDL diagrams. We base our approach using two examples, a representation of the Fibonacci function using a cellular automaton, and the representation of a wildfire model. To achieve this we propose the use of a language extension to Specification and Description Language.

Monday, October 25, 2010 (All day) - Thursday, October 28, 2010 (All day)

A novel model to predict a slab avalanche configuration using m:n-CAk cellular automata

The paper introduces a novel method to represent slab avalanche phenomena.
The model is based on a cellular automaton generalization named m:n-CAk. This generalization allows the use of
different layers in a single cellular automaton. Each one of these layers represents the GIS data needed to perform the calculations. The model is represented using Specification and Description Language, and is implemented in

Saturday, January 1, 2011 (All day)

Representing Fibonacci function through cellular automata using Specification and Description Language

Abstract: In this poster we show how to use Specification and Description Language (SDL) to represent cellular automata models. To achieve that we use a generalization of the common cellular automata, named m:n-CA^k. Also we add some extension to SDL language to simplify the representation of these automata. Thanks to SDL and m:n-CA^k the behavior of the cellular automata model can be defined in a graphical way allowing the complete and unambiguous description of the simulation model that uses it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010 (All day) - Thursday, July 15, 2010 (All day)

Pau Fonseca i Casas
Department of Statistics and Operations Research

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTECH
North Campus - C5218 Room
Barcelona, 08034, SPAIN

Tel. (+34) 93 4017035
Fax. (+34) 93 4015855