Yesterday February 2 my doctorate student, and friend, Cristina Corchero presented her Ph. D. dissertation on optimal bids in electricity markets. Dr. Corchero developed stochastic programming optimization models to find the optimal bid curve that integrates bilateral and future contractes in the sequence of short-term MIBEL's electricity markets.
The members of the examination panel were prof. Stein-Erik Fleten , from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, prof. Andres Ramos from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas and prof. Jordi Castro, from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. After a very interesting discussion they agreed to give the maximum qualification, Cum Laude, to the research work of Ms. Corchero. I would like to thank the members of the examination committe for their interesting comments and analysis of the thesis contributions. I'm also very grateful with prof. Pilar Muñoz and prof. Marcos J. Rider for their collaboration in the supervision of the thesis.
And, of course, my most sinceres congratulations to Dr. Cristina Corchero.
Last December 15 I visited, together with the members of the energy team of the GNOM research group, the headquarters of the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research. The board of this institution is comprised by representatives of the Spanish and Catalonian governments, catalonian universities and private sector companies, and its mission is to promote the research in the energy field and the dissemination of this research in collaboration with several major Spanish energy utilities.
The objective of the meeting was to undertake common research projects related the integration of renewevable energies in the electricity production system, specifically in the optimal management of microgrids and the design of the transmission network of offshore wind farm.
Gas Natural Fenosa is one of the major Spanish electrical utililties operating in the Iberian Electricity Market. Gas Natural Fenosa participates in the three years research project of the GNOM research group :
This project, where I participate as head researcher, is granted by the National Programme for Fundamental Research Projects of the Spanish government. Last December 14 prof. Narcís Nabona, Ms. Cristina Corchero and me, members of the GNOM research group, visited the headquarters of gas Natural Fenosa in Madrid for a meeting with the board of the electricity market division of Gas Natural Fenosa. During the meeting we explained the progress, discussed the results and presented the future work of the research project. Follow this link to see the slides of the presentation.
The Mathematical Research Institute of the University of Sevilla (IMUS) organized this Explanatory Workshop on MINLP were some of the most outstanding specialist on nonlinear mixed integer programming discussed the state of the art of the algorithms, applications and computing challenges of this difficult field of optimization. I attended the workshop motivated by my interest in solving some class of quadratic mixed integer programming problems arising in the field of the electricity market optimization.