L'encariment dels costos de producció de l'energia elèctrica justifiquen realment el període de preus sense control de l'electricitat que estem observant durant els darrers mesos de 2021? I quin és el paper que juguen les regles de mercat i les centrals hidroelèctriques en aquesta tendència alcista dels preus? Intentem respondre a aquestes preguntes a l'article Costos de producció: causa o excusa de la crisi de preus de l'electricitat? publicat a 5centims.cat, blog de debat econòmic creat el 2021 al si de la Societat Catalana d'Economia (SCE).
On November 2021 Mr. Ignasi Mañé presented the MsC thesis dissertation Multistage stochastic bid model for a wind-thermal power producer to opt for the master's degree in Statistics and Operations Research (UPC-UB), advised by prof. F.-Javier Heredia. This master thesis explores different multi-stage stochastic programming models for generation companies to find optimal bid functions in electric spot markets capturing the uncertainty of electric prices of different markets and financial products, and coupling together wind and thermal generation unit
This academic course started the third edition of the Master in Industry 4.0 of the UPC School. The main objective of the master's degree in Industry 4.0 is to train professionals to understand the complexities and challenges of Industry 4.0 in a transversal way. I participate in this master giving a course on mathematical optimization for industry 4.0. In the first part of the course, we review the role of mathemnatical optimization, operations research and analytics in Ind. 4.0, analyse some case studies on mathematical optimization models in supply chain and energy industry. In the second part, the theoretical and computational basis of mathematical optimization are presented and applied by the students to solve a complete optimization project in supply and distribution chain using mathematical optimization modeling software.