Conference Paper
F.-Javier Heredia,
"Valoració de la càrrega de treball de l'estudiant.",
Jornada de presentació de la publicació institucional ''Plans pilot d'adaptació de titulacions a l'EEES'', Barcelona, 20/05/2008.
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Corchero, C., Heredia, F. J.,
"A mixed-integer stochastic programming model for the day-ahead and futures energy markets coordination",
EURO XXII: 2nd European Conference on Operational Reserach, Prague, Czech Republic, The Association of European Operational Research Societies, 08/07/2007.
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Heredia, F.-javier,
"El Grado de Estadística según las directrices de Bolonia: la experiencia de la UPC",
El Grado de Estadística según las directrices de Bolonia: la experiencia de la UPC, Escuela Universitaria de Estadística, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, 24/11/2006.
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Heredia, F. J., Beltran, C.,
"Generalized Unit Commitment",
Applied Mathematical Programming and Modellization (APMOD 2004), Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK., 21-23/06/2004.
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Heredia, F. J., Beltran, C.,
"The radar multiplier method: a two-phase approach for large scale nonlinear combinatorial optimization problems",
21th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Sophia Antipolis, France, INRIA, pp. 92, 21-25/07/2003.
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Heredia, F. J.,
"Tutorial on Nonlinear Optimization",
1BWSA, First Barcelona Workshop on Survival Analysis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain., 12-14/06/2002.
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Heredia, F. J.,
"Constrained nonlinear network flow problems through projected Lagrangian methods",
4th world conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers CSCC2000, Greece, Athens, 9-16/07/2000.
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Chiva, A., Heredia, F.J., Nabona, N.,
"Network Model of Short-Term Optimal Hydrothermal Power Flow with Security Constraints",
IEEE '95 Stockholm Power Tech, vol. 6, PS, Stockholm, Sweden, Royal Institute of Technology and IEEE Power Engineering Society, pp. 67-73, 18-22/06/1995.
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Journal Article