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Heredia [Clear All Filters]Conference Paper
Vespucci, M.T., Corchero, C., Innorta, M., Heredia, F.-Javier,
"A decision support procedure for the short-term scheduling problem of a Generation Company operating on Day-Ahead and Physical Derivatives Electricity Markets",
43rd Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling Meeting, Cass Business School, City University, London, Euro Working Group on Financial Modelling, 4-5/09/2008.
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Heredia, F.-Javier,
"Conferencia Interuniversitaria sobre el Grado de Estadística",
Conferencia Interuniversitaria sobre el Grado de Estadística, Facultad de Matemáticas, Universidad de Sevilla. Sevilla, 25/01/2008.
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F.-Javier Heredia, Marcos-J. Rider, Cristina Corchero,
"Optimal thermal and virtual power plants operation in the day-ahead electricity market.",
APMOD 2008 International Conference on Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, pp. 21, 27-30/05/2008.
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F.-Javier Heredia, Marcos-J. Rider, Cristina Corchero,
"Stochastic programming model for the day-ahead bid and bilateral contracts settlement problem",
International Workshop on Operational Research 2008, Dept. of Statistics and Operational Research, Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, Dept. of Statistics and Operational Research, Univ. Rey Juan Carlos., pp. 79, 5-7/06/2008.
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Cristina Corchero, F.-Javier Heredia,
"Stochastic optimal day-ahead bid with physical future contracts",
International Workshop on Operational Research 2008, Dept. of Statistics and Operational Research, Univ. Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain., Dept. of Statistics and Operational Research, Univ. Rey Juan Carlos., pp. 77, 05-07/06/2008.
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F.-Javier Heredia,
"Valoració de la càrrega de treball de l'estudiant.",
Jornada de presentació de la publicació institucional ''Plans pilot d'adaptació de titulacions a l'EEES'', Barcelona, 20/05/2008.
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Corchero, C., Heredia, F. J.,
"A mixed-integer stochastic programming model for the day-ahead and futures energy markets coordination",
EURO XXII: 2nd European Conference on Operational Reserach, Prague, Czech Republic, The Association of European Operational Research Societies, 08/07/2007.
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Heredia, F.-javier,
"El Grado de Estadística según las directrices de Bolonia: la experiencia de la UPC",
El Grado de Estadística según las directrices de Bolonia: la experiencia de la UPC, Escuela Universitaria de Estadística, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, 24/11/2006.
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Heredia, F. J., Beltran, C.,
"Generalized Unit Commitment",
Applied Mathematical Programming and Modellization (APMOD 2004), Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK., 21-23/06/2004.
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Heredia, F. J., Beltran, C.,
"The radar multiplier method: a two-phase approach for large scale nonlinear combinatorial optimization problems",
21th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Sophia Antipolis, France, INRIA, pp. 92, 21-25/07/2003.
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Heredia, F. J.,
"Tutorial on Nonlinear Optimization",
1BWSA, First Barcelona Workshop on Survival Analysis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain., 12-14/06/2002.
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Heredia, F. J.,
"Constrained nonlinear network flow problems through projected Lagrangian methods",
4th world conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers CSCC2000, Greece, Athens, 9-16/07/2000.
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Chiva, A., Heredia, F.J., Nabona, N.,
"Network Model of Short-Term Optimal Hydrothermal Power Flow with Security Constraints",
IEEE '95 Stockholm Power Tech, vol. 6, PS, Stockholm, Sweden, Royal Institute of Technology and IEEE Power Engineering Society, pp. 67-73, 18-22/06/1995.
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