A mixed-integer stochastic programming model for the day-ahead and futures energy markets coordination

Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsCorchero, C.; Heredia, F. J.
Conference NameEURO XXII: 2nd European Conference on Operational Reserach
Conference Date08/07/2007
PublisherThe Association of European Operational Research Societies
Conference LocationPrague, Czech Republic
Type of WorkOral presentacion
Key Wordsstochastic programming; electricity markets; day-ahead market; future contracts; research
AbstractThe participation in spot-market and in financial markets has traditionally been studied independently but there are some evidences that indicate it could be interesting a joint approach. We propose a methodology based on stochastic mixed-integer programming to coordinate the day-ahead market and the physical futures contracts. It gives the optimal bid for the spot-market as long as the simultaneous optimization for power planning production and day-ahead market bidding for the thermal units of a price-taker generation company. Implementation details and some first computational experiences for small real cases are presented.
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