industrial mathematics

Optimal energy management for a residential microgrid including a vehicle-to-grid system

Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsLucía Igualada; Cristina Corchero; Miguel Cruz-Zambrano; F.-Javier Heredia
ReferenceResearch report DR 2013/05, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research. E-Prints UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Prepared forPublished at IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids (DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2014.2318836)
Key Wordsresearch; optimal management; smart grids; vehicle-to-grid; renewable generation; microgrids
AbstractAn optimization model is proposed to manage a residential microgrid including a charging spot with a vehicle-to-grid system and renewable energy sources. In order to achieve a realistic and convenient management, we take into account: (1) the household load split into three different profiles depending on the characteristics of the elements considered; (2) a realistic approach to owner behavior by introducing the novel concept of range anxiety; (3) the vehicle battery management considering the mobility profile of the owner and (4) different domestic renewable energy sources. We consider the microgrid operated in grid-connected mode. The model is executed one-day-ahead and generates a schedule for all components of the microgrid. The results obtained show daily costs in the range of 2.82€ to 3.33€; the proximity of these values to the actual energy costs for Spanish households validate the modeling. The experimental results of applying the designed managing strategies show daily costs savings of nearly 10%.
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Stochastic optimal generation bid to electricity markets with emission risk constraints.

Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia; Julian Cifuentes; Cristina Corchero
ReferenceResearch report DR 2013/04, Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research. E-Prints UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Prepared forsubmitted
Key Wordsresearch; OR in Energy; Stochastic Programming; Risk Management; Electricity market; Emission reduction
AbstractThere are many factors that influence the day-ahead market bidding strategies of a generation company (GenCo) in the current energy market framework. Environmental policy issues have become more and more important for fossil-fuelled power plants and they have to be considered in their management, giving rise to emission limitations. This work allows investigating the influence of the emission reduction plan, and the incorporation of the derivatives medium-term commitments in the optimal generation bidding strategy to the day-ahead electricity market. Two different technologies have been considered: the coal thermal units, high-emission technology, and the combined cycle gas turbine units, low-emission technology. The Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL) and the Spanish National Emission Reduction Plan (NERP) defines the environmental framework to deal with by the day-ahead market bidding strategies. To address emission limitations, some of the standard risk management methodologies developed for financial markets, such as Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), have been extended giving rise to the new concept of Conditional Emission-at-Risk (CEaR). This study offers to electricity generation utilities a mathematical model to determinate the individual optimal generation bid to the wholesale electricity market, for each one of their generation units that maximizes the long-run profits of the utility abiding by the Iberian Electricity Market rules, as well as the environmental restrictions set by the Spanish National Emissions Reduction Plan. The economic implications for a GenCo of including the environmental restrictions of this National Plan are analyzed, and the effect of the NERP in the expected profits and optimal generation bid are analyzed.
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Improving Electricity Market Price Forecasting with Factor Models for the Optimal Generation Bid

Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsM.Pilar Muñoz; Cristina Corchero; F.-Javier Heredia
Journal TitleInternational Statistical Review
Pages18 (289-306)
Start Page289
Journal DateAugust 2013
ISSN Number1751-5823
Key Wordsresearch; paper; electricity market prices; short-term forecasting; stochastic programming; factor models; price scenarios; Q2
AbstractIn liberalized electricity markets, the electricity generation companies usually manage their production by developing hourly bids that are sent to the day-ahead market. As the prices at which the energy will be purchased are unknown until the end of the bidding process, forecasting of spot prices has become an essential element in electricity management strategies. In this article, we apply forecasting factor models to the market framework in Spain and Portugal and study their performance. Although their goodness of fit is similar to that of autoregressive integrated moving average models, they are easier to implement. The second part of the paper uses the spot-price forecasting model to generate inputs for a stochastic programming model, which is then used to determine the company's optimal generation bid. The resulting optimal bidding curves are presented and analyzed in the context of the Iberian day-ahead electricity market.
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Jornada d'Interacció Matemàtica-Indústria

math-inEl passat 30 de Novembre vaig assistir en la Jornada d'Interacció Matemàtica-Indústria al Parc de Recerca UAB, organitzada per la Xarxa Espanyola Matemàtica - Indústria (, el projecte i-Math, Parc i Recerca UAB i els grups d'investigació Servei de Consultoria Matemàtica i Grup d'Investigació en Aplicacions i Models Matemàtics (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). En aquesta jornada, les empreses convidades van presentar diversos problemes susceptibles de ser resolts amb mètodes Matemàtics, Estadístics i de Simulació Numèrica, que van ser analitzats pels investigadors assistents.

Jornada d'Interacció Matemàtica-Indústria

Publication TypeConference/School/Seminar attendance
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia
Conference NameJornada d'Interacció Matemàtica-Indústria
Event TypeWorkshop
Conference Organisermath-in Red Española Matemática-Industria
Conference Dates30/11/2011
Conference LocationEdifici Eureka, Parc de Recerca UAB
Key Wordsresearch; industrial mathematics; math-in
AbstractAquesta jornada, organitzada per la Xarxa Espanyola Matemàtica - Indústria (, el projecte i-Math, Parc i Recerca UAB i els grups d'investigació Servei de Consultoria Matemàtica i Grup d'Investigació en Aplicacions i Models Matemàtics (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) té com a objectiu que les empreses convidades presentin problemes susceptibles de ser resolts amb mètodes Matemàtics, Estadístics i de Simulació Numèrica.
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