
VII Conference Barcelona Global Energy Challenges

Publication TypeConference/School/Seminar attendance
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsF.-Javier Heredia
Conference NameVII Conference Barcelona Global Energy Challenges
Event TypeConference
Conference OrganiserCatalonia Institute for Energy Research
Conference Dates28-29/06/2012
Conference LocationBarcelona, Spain
Key Wordsresearch; energy
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Optimal sizing of microgrids: a fast charging station case

Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsCristina Corchero; M. Cruz; F.-Javier Heredia; J.-I. Cairo; L. Igualada; A. Romero
Conference Name9th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM12)
Conference Date10-12/05/2012
Conference LocationFlorence
Type of WorkContributed presentation
Key Wordsresearch; electrical vehicle; smartgrids; charging station; microgrid; queuing system
AbstractIn this work we focus on the optimal design of electric vehicle charging stations. We consider investment, operational costs, physical constraints and different electricity pricing strategies. The size of the various components in the microgrid architecture and the suitability of the storage system are analysed. The electric vehicle charging demand is modelled through a queuing system.
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Optimal electricity market bidding strategies considering emission allowances

Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsCristina Corchero; F.-Javier Heredia; Julián Cifuentes
Conference Name9th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM12)
Conference Date10-12/05/2012
Conference LocationFlorence, Italy
Type of WorkContributed presentation
Key Wordsresearch; elecriticy; markets; CO2 allowances; emissions limits; environment; stochastic programming; modeling languages
AbstractThere are many factors that influence the day-ahead market bidding strategies of a GenCo in the current energy market framework. In this work we study the influence of both the allowances and emission reduction plan and the incorporation of the derivatives medium-term commitments in the optimal generation bidding strategy to the day-ahead electricity market. Two different technologies have been considered: the coal thermal units, high-emission technology, and the combined cycle gas turbine units, low-emission technology. The operational characteristics of both kinds of units are modeled in detail. We deal with this problem in the framework of the Iberian Electricity Market and the Spanish National Emissions and Allocation Plans. The economic implications for a GenCo of including the environmental restrictions of these National Plans are analyzed.
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Projecte fi de màster sobre gestió òptima de microxarxes

microgridL'alumna del Màster en Estadística i Investigació Operativa (MEIO) i llicenciada en matemàtiques Lucia Igualada va presentar el passat 4 de juliol la seva tesi final de màster Optimal Management of Microgrids. La Lucia Igualada ha desenvolupat aquesta tesi com a becaria del grup d'Economia de l'Energia de l'Intitut de Recerca en Energia de Catalunya (IREC) amb la col·laboració amb el Group on Numerical Optimization and Modeling de la UPC (GNOM - Energy), sota la co-direcció de la Dr. Cristina Corchero, professora de GNOM i investigadora de l'IREC, i jo mateix. Aquest treball va obtenir la nota màxima 10 i guardonada amb la menció de matrícula d'honor otorgada per la Comissió de Matrícula d'Honor del MEIO.

Two papers presented at the 9th European conference on Energy Markets


The European Energy Market conference (EEM) has achieved a considerable success over the past eight years. Its main topics covers electricity and gas market policies, security of supply, climate change and many other developments at a European level. In May 2012 this event was hosted in Florence, Italy, by the Florence School of Regulation and the Loyola de Palacio Chair (two linked research units at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute). I contributed to this event with the following two works: 

Both works will be published as full papers in the conference's proceedings that will be published by the IEEE.

VII Conference Barcelona Global Energy Challenges


Last June 28 and 29 I was attending the Barcelona Global Energy Challenges . It was the seventh edition of a forum co-organized by the  MIT Industrial Liason Program (MITILP), the Institute for the Energy Research of Catalonia (IREC) and the b_TEC foundation (b_TEC). During the poster session my student Lucia Gonzalez presented the results of her MSc Thesis Optimal Management of Microgrids, developped at the IREC in collaboration with the GNOM-Energy research group

New research period recognized

 I have just been informed  that a new six years period of my research activity (sexenio de investigación) has been recognized by the National Comission for the Evaluation of the Research Activity of the Spanish Gouvernment (CNEAI). This is my third research period so far recognized .

Contribution to the 9th International Conference on Computational Management Science

The CMS conference is an annual meeting associated with the journal of Computational Management Science published by Springer. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for theoreticians and practitioners from academia and industry to exchange knowledge, ideas and results in a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and practice of computational methods, models and empirical analysis for decision making in economics, engineering, finance and management. I was invited to contribute in this conference with the work "Optimal sale bid for a wind producer in Spanish electricity market through stochastic programming ", based on the master thesis of Ms. Simona Sacripante , graduated student of the Master in Statistics and Operations Research, who presented the paper. This work has been partially granted by the public research project DPI2008-02153 of the Spanish gouvernment.

New paper accepted for publication in TOP

The work "A new optimal electricity market bid model solved through prespective cuts" developed in collaboration with prof. Cristina Corchero (GNOM/IREC) and  Eugenio Mijangos (Basc Country University), has been accepted for publication in the journal TOPA preliminary version of the manuscript is available at this link . This study presents a new procedure to find the optimal electricity generation bid for a generation company operating in the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL), and was a part of the research project DPI2008-02153,.

A new optimal electricity market bid model solved through perspective cuts

Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsCristina Corchero; Eugenio Mijangos; F.-Javier Heredia
Journal TitleTOP
Start Page84
Journal Date04/2013
Short TitleA new optimal electricity market bid model
ISSN Number1134-5764
Key Wordsresearch; paper; electricity market; day-ahead; bilateral contracts; future contracts; Optimal bid; Stochastic programming; Perspective cuts; mixed integer nonlinear programming; DPI2008-02153; Q3
AbstractOn current electricity markets the electrical utilities are faced with very sophisticated decision making problems under uncertainty. Moreover, when focusing in the short-term management, generation companies must include some medium-term products that directly influence their short-term strategies. In this work, the bilateral and physical futures contracts are included into the day-ahead market bid following MIBEL rules and a stochastic quadratic mixed-integer programming model is presented. The complexity of this stochastic programming problem makes unpractical the resolution of large-scale instances with general-purpose optimization codes. Therefore, in order to gain efficiency, a polyhedral outer approximation of the quadratic objective function obtained by means of perspective cuts (PC) is proposed. A set of instances of the problem has been defined with real data and solved with the PC methodology. The numerical results obtained show the efficiency of this methodology compared with standard mixed quadratic optimization solvers.
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