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Montserrat Dinares Peña, Resolució de models quadràtics de planificació hidro-tèrmica a curt termini amb CPLEX, , Facultat de matemàtiques i Estadística, 02/06/1997 . Tagged XML BibTex
Cesar Gil Espinasa, Desenvolupament de rutines d'optimització no lineal, , Dep. d'Estadística i Investigació Operativa, Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística, 01/10/1997 . Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, SLOEGAT Project. Short and Long term Optimization of Energy Generation And Trading (Esprit 22695)., , 12/1996-05/1999. Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Planificación Óptima de Gran Dimensión de la Producción Hidrotérmica de Energía Eléctrica a Corto Plazo (TAP96-1044)., , 07/1996-06/1999. Tagged XML BibTex
Chiva, A., Heredia, F.J., Nabona, N., "Network Model of Short-Term Optimal Hydrothermal Power Flow with Security Constraints", IEEE '95 Stockholm Power Tech, vol. 6, PS, Stockholm, Sweden, Royal Institute of Technology and IEEE Power Engineering Society, pp. 67-73, 18/06/1995. Tagged XML BibTex
Chiva, A., Heredia, F.J., Nabona, N., "Network Model of Short-Term Optimal Hydrothermal Power Flow with Security Constraints", IEEE '95 Stockholm Power Tech, vol. 6, PS, Stockholm, Sweden, Royal Institute of Technology and IEEE Power Engineering Society, pp. 67-73, 18-22/06/1995. Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Revisión y puesta a punto de programas de tiempo real de Determinación de Topología, Estimación de Estado y Reparto de Cargas Interactivo (UPC C2325)., , 07/1995-12/1996. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Optimum Short-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling with Spinning Reserve through Network Flows", IEEE/Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, New York, EEUU, 02/1995. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Optimum Short-Term Hydrothermal Schedulling with Spinning Reserve through Network Flows", IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 10, issue 3: The Institue of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, pp. 10, 1995  . Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, "Optimització de fluxos no lineals amb xarxes amb constriccions a banda. Aplicació a models acoblats de coordinació hidro-tèrmica a curt termini ", Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research. Prof. Narcís Nabona, advisor, Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, pp. 221, 1995  . Abstract Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Development and computational test of an undecoupled optimum short-term hydrothermal scheduling code using network flows", TOP, vol. 2, issue 1: Springer, pp. 28, 1994  . Tagged XML BibTex
F.-Javier Heredia, Desarrollo e instalación de programas de Expansión Optima de la Red Eléctrica a distintos niveles de tensión (UPC C1958)., , 10/1993-05/1995. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F.-Javier, Nabona, N., "Nonlinear Network Flows with Side Constraints Applied to Short Term Hydrothermal Coordination of Electricity Generation", European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering '92, Brussels, Belgium, Elsevier, pp. 437-444, 7/09/1992. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Nonlinear network flows with side constraints applied to short term hydrothermal coordination of electricity generation", European Conference on Numerical Methods in Engineering '92, Brussels, Belgium, 1992. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Large scale nonlinear network optimization with linear side constraints", 11th European Congress on Operations Research, Aachen, Germany, 1991. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F. J., Nabona, N., "Numerical implementation and computational results of nonlinear network optimization with linear side constraints", 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, Zurich, Switzerland, 1991. Tagged XML BibTex
Heredia, F.-Javier, Nabona, N., "Numerical implementation and computational results of nonlinear network optimization with linear side constraints", 15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, vol. 180, Zurich, Springer-Verlag, pp. 301-310, 02/09/1991. Tagged XML BibTex